Business Setup in Dubai Media City

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Media City in Dubai (DMC) was established in 2001 as a companion free zone to Dubai Internet City. It is regulated by the Dubai Creative Clusters Authority (DCCA) which oversees all related procedures in both Dubai Media City and Dubai Internet City. The intention of Dubai Media City is to establish a pro-business environment for media companies, advertising companies and any corporations primarily concerned with creative media products. It was also conceived as a regional media hub.

Business types and allowed activities
Dubai Media City offers three licensing options for businesses in the free zone:
• A Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC) exists as an independent business entity in the free zone. This business type must have at least one director and paid capital investment of AED 50,000. *Broadcast TV and radio businesses require AED 2,500,000 minimum capital investment
• A Branch of an existing foreign company or existing UAE company is a place of business dependent on a parent company and doing business as the parent company. There is no minimum capital requirement for Branch Companies.
• The DMC Freelance permit is somewhat unique among free zones. It is allowed only in Dubai Media City. This permit allows an individual to do business as a freelance professional under his/her own name. There is an expansive list of allowed professional activities ranging from Actors to sound engineers and visual artists.

Licenses are issued for companies doing business in several business sectors such as Advertising and Communication; Media and Marketing Services; Event Management and support services; and non-profit Associations.

Typical benefits of Offshore Business Formation include:
• 100 per cent foreign ownership inside the Free Zone
• Zero corporate taxation for up to 50 years.
• Full repatriation of capital and income
• No import duties charged on goods and services
• 0% personal income tax
• No currency restrictions
• Minimal bureaucratic red-tape
• No restrictive staff recruitment regulations
• Quick and accessible communication and data infrastructure
• Low operating costs
• Proximity to relevant business prospects
• Owned premises on leased land can be mortgaged.

Required Documentation
Business Formation Process for a shareholder-based Free Zone Limited Liability Company begins with the application to the DCCA. The list of required documents includes:
• The original application
• A Company Incorporation Certificate notarized by the UAE Embassy in the origin country
• A certificate of good standing from the business licensing authority in the origin country – also notarized by the UAE Embassy
• Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association for the parent company – notarized by the UAE Embassy
• The board of directors of the parent company must provide documents stating the intention to establish a Free Zone Limited Liability Company
• Completed personal information form for Shareholders, Directors and the designated Manager of the new business
• Copies of passports for shareholders and directors. Passport copy and CV (resume) for the Manager
• Proof of deposit of the required capital

These documents must be in Arabic and/or English or accompanied by a certified translation. The authority may request additional documents when necessary.

The required documents for a single-shareholder Free Zone Limited Liability Company license are:
• The completed application form
• A company incorporation certificate if the single shareholder is a corporation. Notarized by the UAE Embassy in the country of origin
• A UAE Embassy notarized certificate of good standing from the Registrar of companies in the origin country
• Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association for the parent company – notarized by the UAE Embassy
• Passport copy and C.V. of natural person applicant or designated Manager
• A bank reference letter for shareholder/applicant
• A document of resolution from the board of directors of the parent company expressing the intent to establish the FZ-LLC
• Completed personal information sheets for Shareholder(s), Directors, and Managers
• Proof of deposit of required capital
• Additional documents may be required/requested by the authority

Formation of a Free Zone Branch of a Foreign Company requires these documents:
• The completed Registration application
• A notarized (by the UAE Embassy in the origin country) Certificate of Incorporation for the parent company
• A UAE Embassy notarized certificate of good standing from the Registrar of companies in the origin country
• Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association for the parent company – notarized by the UAE Embassy
• A Board of Directors resolution expressing the intent to create a Branch Office in the Free Zone
• Registry Information Certificate for the Manager

These documents must be in Arabic and/or English or accompanied by a certified translation. The authority may request additional documents when necessary.

For formation of a free zone Branch of an Existing UAE company the list of required documents is:
• The completed application form
• A notarized copy of the Parent Company’s Trade License
• Notarized (by the UAE Embassy in the origin country) Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association for the parent company
• Resolution from Board of Directors of the parent company expressing intent to establish a free zone Branch
• Registry Information Certificate for the Manager

The application for permit as a Freelance Professional must include these documents:
• The completed application form
• A copy of the Freelancer’s C.V. Or resume
• A bank reference letter for the Freelancer
• Registry Information Certificate for the Freelancer

How we can help
One of the many valuable services PushDigits offers is assistance with the process of business formation in UAE Free Zones including the Dubai Media City. We can help you navigate the bureaucracy of business authorities in the region. The myriad of required documents looks intimidating. We will make sure you have all required documents when and when they’re needed and that the documents are properly completed. We are familiar with the local culture and with the authorities and agencies involved so we can make the process as quick and painless as possible. After the new FZ-LLC or Branch Office is up and running we offer additional services to make your business life easier.