Work Life Balance in the UAE – Does it Matter?

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Work-Life Balance in the UAE – Does it Matter?

It matters irrespective of whichever country you are living in. Striking a perfect balance between work and life is a difficult challenge to pull off even in the best of times, but it is all more daunting during these times of uncertainty and economic stagnation that has been caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

The coronavirus (Covid-19) has completely changed the way in which workplaces operated before. With remote work protocols in place and expected to last for what could be several weeks of social distancing, it is important for employees all across the world to achieve the right balance between work and personal life.

How you can ensure a proper balance between work and life when working from home?

  • Re-organize and clean your home.
  • Dedicate specific spaces in your home for different activities like work, eating food, exercise, etc.
  • Prepare a work schedule that you will be following when working from home.
  • Dress properly as if you are going to the office for work. This helps in getting you in the right state of mind to carry out your office activities when you are working from home.
  • Work normal office hours with regular breaks. A common method used for enhancing productivity and work efficiency especially if one is working from home is the Pomodoro technique. This technique requires you to break your workday into 25-minute chunks that are separated by 5-minute breaks.
  • Add a new skill or learn something new to continue your professional and personal development.
  • Exercise regularly to keep yourself fit both mentally and physically.
  • Spend as much time with family, relatives, and friends.

How one should prioritize tasks?

  • Prepare a list of tasks you want to accomplish in a day. This will help you in remembering the tasks that need to be performed in a single day. You can prepare a weekly list as well.
  • After preparing the list, rank the tasks in the order of most important to the least important.
  • When a deadline is given to you by your employer to complete a specific task then make sure to set a deadline of your own and that too ahead of the deadline assigned by your employer. Make sure that the deadline set is a realistic one.
  • Stay away from mobile phones, gaming gadgets, and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others while doing office work. You can use these gadgets and platforms during scheduled breaks or after you have completed your working hours for a day.

The key to being productive and efficient is having good time management skills. Prioritizing personal and professional tasks is often difficult but it is also essential when it comes to getting things done on time. This technique also helps in alleviating stress.

How to maintain productivity while managing virtual learning programs of children simultaneously?

Prepare your work schedule in a way that leaves an ample amount of time for you to take care of your family. Make sure that you are consistent in complying with the schedule you have set. Schedule meetings and calls ahead of time so that you have enough time to plan your children’s day accordingly.

What you can do to stay motivated while working from home?

  • Take regular breaks while doing office work
  • Stay in touch with friends and colleagues
  • Inspire yourself by listening to motivational speeches and podcasts
  • Spend your free time by engaging in activities that you like the most.

The process of achieving the right work-life balance is like becoming a professional athlete. It takes a lot of effort to get in shape and even more to continue to stay that way. However, the ones who commit themselves to the quest of striking the right balance between work and life reap enormous quality-of-life and health benefits.

