Some major changes have taken place at the beginning of this year regarding UAE Labour Law. But in order to understand one of the most important changes, we have to know more about probation period. This period has a duration of six month, in which either of the parties involved have the right to terminate the employment with just one day’s notice period. Many employees are scared of changing to a new job with another employer because of possible sanctions. It’s important to understand this situation to understand how this change in UAE Labour Law affects workers changing jobs.
No More Six-Month Ban:
This major change will reduce significantly the number of people whom can be affected by a six-month employment ban when switching jobs with a new employer, after the completion of their notice period. Important to know that this change is going to affect only employees in skills categories one to three:
1. Specialized professionals.
2. Technicians.
3. Professional workers.
Those in skills categories from four to five, skilled workers and workers of limited skill, will be able to switch jobs with a new employer if they have completed six months with their current employer.
Mission and Objective:
These new labour rules have been released with the finality of treating employees better. With these major changes UAE hopes to make the hiring process as transparent as possible. Another objective is to make sure employees are being paid fairly.
Cautious Welcome:
Small business owners have given these new labour rules a cautious welcome. Some of them argument that these rules are more supportive to workers than to them. And this has been said by the owner of Ritaj Restaurant, Ahmed Hamid Abdullah. They claim to spend a huge amount of money on hiring process, and these new rules are going to make them lose their investment by eliminating the two-year contract.
The new changes in Labour Law are causing quite a controversy. By one side it has its supporters, while in the other we have employers who are afraid of losing a huge amount of money they spend on hiring process.
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